Di Listening Part A atau Short Dialogue seringkali jawabannya adalah pengulangan kalimat atau restatement dari kata kunci (key words) atau ide pokok (key ideas) yang diucapkan oleh orang kedua/ berasal dari baris kedua pada percakapan tersebut.
Di rekaman, kita akan mendengar (On the recording, you hear):
(woman) : Steve, is something the matter? You don’t look very good.
(man) : Oh, I’m feeling a little sick today.
(narrator) : What does the man mean?
Di buku tes, kita akan baca (In your test book, you read):
(A) He’s not very good-looking.
(B) He’s a bit ill.
(C) He looks worse than he feels.
(D) His feet are a little thick.
Dari rekaman percakapam diatas, sick (sakit) sama dengan ill (Sakit) dan a little (sedikit) sama dengan a bit (sedikit). Jadi jawaban terbaik untuk pertanyaan ini adalah B karena B merupakan pengulangan kalimat dari yang diucapkan oleh orang kedua pada percakapan tersebut.
Perhatikan jawaban D, feet dan thick kedengarannya sama dengan kata feel dan sick. Walaupun kedengarannya sama tapi artinya berbeda.
Ketika kita mendengarkan orang kedua atau baris kedua dari percakapan yang ada, kita harus fokus pada kata kunci (key words) atau ide pokok (key ideas).
Jika kita mendapatkan Restatement / pengulangan kalimat atau kata pada jawaban yang tersedia kemungkinan itulah jawaban dari pertanyaan yang diberikan.
Jangan memilih jawaban yang kedengarannya sama dengan kata-kata yang ada di rekaman.
EXERCISE 1: Di latihan soal ini, garis bawahilah kata kunci yanbg terdapat di baris kedua dari setiap percakapan yang ada. Kemudian garis bawahilah restatement (pengulangan kata/kalimat) dari key words (kata kunci) pada jawabannya. Setelah itu pilih jawaban yang benar.
Ingat bahwa jawaban terbaik kemungkinan adalah restatement (pengulangan kata/kalimat) dari kata kunci (Key word/ideas) pada baris kedua dari percakapan tersebut.
1. (woman) : What do you like about your new house?
(man) : It’s very close to a park.
(narrator): What does the man mean?
(A) The house is closed up now.
(B) He parks his car close to his house.
(C) His home is near a park.
(D) He doesn’t really like his new house.
2. (man) : Mark said some really nice things to me.
(woman) : He’s very grateful for what you did.
(narrator): What does the woman say about Mark?
(A) He did a great job.
(B) He bought a crate full of fruit.
(C) He made a great fool of himself. He’s thankful.
(D) He’s thankful.
3. (woman) : Sam, you’ve been working at the computer for hours.
(man) : Yes, and I need to take a break.
(narrator): What does the man mean?
(A) The computer’s broken.
(B) He needs to relax for a while.
(C) He should keep working.
(D) He’s broke.
contoh soal:
1. (A) The dance was fun.
(B) It was a good time to dance.
(C) She thinks the man is such a good
(D) Tonight is the last time to dance.
2. (A) She’s quite thirsty.
(B) She’ll be ready in a half hour.
(C) She needs to leave now.
(D) She was ready thirty minutes
3. (A) The woman should teach the class
(B) The woman should see a psychiatrist.
(C) It’s a good idea to speak with the
(D) He would like to discuss psychology
with the woman.
4. (A) She has a starring role.
(B) She has not found a job yet.
(C) She found the lost dog.
(D) She just began working.
5. (A) He shares everything he has.
(B) He has to find his lost shirt.
(C) He is climbing the stairs to the
(D) He has to get a roommate.
6. (A) His vacation is full of activities.
(B) In autumn he’ll have a vacation.
(C) He can’t have a vacation because he
suffered a fall.
(D) He’s foolish to take a vacation now.
7. (A) The book was very enjoyable.
(B) It was unpleasant to get rid of the
(C) She only reads when it is quiet.
(D) It is pleasant to ride a bike.
8. (A) He hasn’t traveled much lately.
(B) There were a lot of cars on the road.
(C) He needs to lose weight.
(D) The tray was thick and heavy.
9. (A) He doesn’t know how to play the
(B) He has to write a story for class.
(C) He needs to complete an assignment.
(D) He has already finished the report.
10. (A) He always minds his own business.
(B) He manages to avoid working.
(C) He is the manager of the department.
(D) He is the boss of his own company.
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Unknown | 6 April 2020 pukul 23.12
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